Making the Most of LinkedIn

5 Minutes
As we all know by now, LinkedIn is a great professional networking site that can help you find new jobs and drive your career forward. Unlike other social media platforms, it’s become a staple tool for candidates and employers to keep tabs on the movers and shakers of the industry and provides ample opportunities to network and connect on a wide online scale.
However, like so many other online networks, it has the capacity to harm your professional potential if used inappropriately. This can make things difficult if you’re looking to find contacts or land that new job. You’ll therefore want to ensure that you’re giving the best impression to followers, colleagues and potential employers by maximising your time on LinkedIn appropriately.

Fill Out Those Details


When you write your summary and fill in details about your qualifications and experience, try to get into the habit of using keywords whenever possible. This means words that are applicable to your job title or sector, such as ‘commercial litigation’ or ‘insolvency’. If you use words that are relevant to peers and recruiters on LinkedIn, your profile will be more visible, thus helping you find suitable jobs and contacts.


You can then develop your profile further by asking your coworkers and former colleagues to write some recommendations for you. It’s wonderful for everyone to agree to this but people will inevitably refuse or forget to do so; you can therefore try and persuade them to give you a glowing review by offering to write one for someone else and see if they would be willing to return the favour. With a portfolio of recommendations under your belt, your reputation as a reliable colleague and employee will solidify.

LinkedIn profiles are extremely comprehensive and making sure you have yours one hundred percent filled in is important. Start using the site straight away by updating your information, including your personal summary, education, work experience, honours/awards, and contact information.

Avoid Posting Unprofessional Content


It’s been said countless times, but we’ll go ahead and say it again! Never post unprofessional content on your social media accounts - many people have fallen into this trap, so don’t let the same happen to you. It only takes one misguided post to cause (sometimes irreparable) damage to your prospects, so ensure you think carefully about what you say and when.


It’s now become common practice for employers to look at candidates’ digital accounts, as they ultimately want to gain an all-round insight into a potential employee. As such, you shouldn’t share anything that you don’t want employers to see or would be embarrassed about further down the line.


This is especially true on LinkedIn, when you are trying to build a network and liaise with others. Your profile picture should always be professional, and ideally show most of your face so people can identify you easily. This doesn’t mean you need to have a formal headshot taken, but you should use a photo that accurately represents you to the professional world.


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